resume tips for LGBT applicants

Equipping a Basic Resume for LGBT Job Hunting

Discrimination is everywhere.

Despite the anti-discrimination laws that exist in the country, discrimination itself is still one of the leading concerns of many individuals. This is prevalent particularly in the workplace where unsuspecting applicants are already judged based on their race, gender, ethnicity, and even religion.

In addition to the tedious job search, an applicant belonging to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community has to worry if the company does not have a welcoming environment for employees who have decided to “come out” at work. Such transition or coming out sometimes stirs negative reactions from fellow employees and even superiors. Aside from prepping up a resume, LGBT applicants should also exert extra effort in searching for the best company for them.

To ensure the success your application, we ask our experts for their resume tips for LGBT applicants. According to them, LGBT members should consider the following:

Prepare an Irresistible Resume

Long before you start handing out your application, you should first consider crafting an effective resume. Make sure that you properly equip your application with the important information such as specific skills, transferable abilities, technical and language proficiencies, and accomplishments.

Never settle for a basic resume. Your application is your personalized marketing tool, thus, using basic applications can only prompt you to sell yourself short of what you actually worth. You already have discrimination hanging on your head. Don’t make it worst by submitting a second-rate pre-employment document.

Name to Use

One of the frequently asked questions by LGBT job hopefuls is whether it is advisable to use their preferred name on their application. Using your preferred name in your resume is okay as long as you’re comfortable in disclosing your sexual orientation.

Moreover, you can also freely use your preferred name if you have already secured a court order for your name change. If you are yet to secure one, you might want to stick with your given name for some time.

Discretion during Application

Your LGBT affiliation can make or break your job search. Ensure you have thoroughly searched for the companies that are known to accept job candidates from LGBT organizations. This will not only increase your hiring chances, but will save your time to search, too.

It’s your choice whether you’d like to “come out” during your job search or be discreet about your gender orientation. Don’t deprive yourself from your right to feel at ease with your own skin. Everyone has the freedom to express himself. As for your job search, don’t lose hope and stay positive. It may be tough to find the right company for you with your orientation and a simple application document. However, with your determination to improve, and with these resume tips for LGBT applicants in hand, you can certainly get the job that you’ve always wanted.

But if all else fails, do not hesitate to entrust your job hunt tool to resume experts just like ours. Contact us today to get a free consultation on our high-quality professional resume writing service.

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